Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meet our new Sound Designer: Kyle Fitch!

Kyle will be managing our audio department and driving success in his division.  We are excited to have such a great addition to our team!

A little information about Kyle:

Greetings, Comrades. 

IAMA 22-year-old audio engineer who's been in the audio industry for nearly 4 years now. Professionally, I work as a full-time designed systems integrator for Midwest Sound & Lighting in Omaha, NE; I also freelance studio recording with local bands (which ends up taking most of my personal time; and lastly I am a chief front-of-house engineer for a regional band around the Midwest. 

This is my first project in interactive visual media, and I am confident in my abilities to produce an exceptional unique product. A product that makes people really realize the difference between developers who take their sound design seriously and those who consider this aspect to be unimportant, a necessary evil, a redheaded stepchild. I've noticed a trend lately with poor sound design in video games. It's as if these devs treat audio like it's just a second-hand artifact that must be generated with bland, stale, flat noise. That's what it really is; noise. There is no consideration toward dynamics. There is no taste. These devs don't realize that audio is half of the product. You can take advantage of this. You can create emotion and feeling through auditory perception and integrate it in a manner that is woven into the game to create a masterpiece of audio-visual entertainment. That's what a game should be.  It is my personal mission to make an audience really notice these intricacies that make a huge difference in a product. 

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