Wednesday, January 18, 2012


First, I would like to welcome you to the Ghost Gaming Academy!

I decided to start this blog up because I feel I have great insight to share with everyone at times.  With this opportunity to share also comes the opportunity to learn.  With your feedback, you can tell me if something helps you or not, or even point out missing pieces in my logic.  So this is my first reason: to share insight and hopefully get feedback from it (most of my writing will center around competitive theory and games).

The second reason I'm making this blog is because I'm making a brand new game(s).  This is why I'm using a blog for game creation:

  • The game I am making is a community driven and centered game.  I hold a strong belief that the input of the players is the most important input you could get - this is because they are the ones playing it.  It also expands and widens the creativity boundaries of a given project and gives a great sense of involvement from the community - it is something that they are truly a part of.  This doesn't mean I will take every idea, but I will take what I feel would best fit the objective of the project.

    You, being part of the audience and community, can be a part of this long journey from the beginning - from story development, rule creation, and creative development - or the end - simply playing the game and providing feedback, or anywhere in the middle.  It is completely up to you, the audience to decide if you would like to be involved in the game development process, by simply providing feedback or entering debates.  Each step in the game creation process will be blogged, keeping you up to date with the latest ideas and direction the game is taking.
  • It is a great way to scout talent and recruit people to join the team.  Obviously this game is not funded by any company, nor does it have multiple people claiming responsibilities (seriously..I'm using a blog).  It's only me.. for now.
  • I'll be honest - I don't know the most when it comes to making a game, simply because I've never done it before.  However, I will be taking the necessary steps, doing research, connecting creativity and unleashing some strokes of brilliance in able to create an amazing game.  I am confident in my ability to do so!  I have a vision, and I'm extremely motivated to see it through!
A little bit about myself:

I'm 24 years old and I'm about to graduate from the University of Missouri Columbia (MIZZOU) with a degree in Computer Science (BA).  I enjoy lifting, lanning, playing new games, meeting new people, and working on public projects.

I have been into gaming all my life, and I'm also a very high tier play in many common competitive games such as Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, League of Legends and Street Fighter.  I have a very wide array of knowledge in regards to what makes games great, compelling, competitive, and straight up fun.

My short term goal is to work on fun games that can make a buzz around the community.

My long term goal is to make a great impact in the gaming world, something like what Starcraft has done in Korean culture with the Global Starcraft League (GSL).

Other than gaming, I'm specifically interested in competitive theory, finance, investment, marketing and health.

Thanks for your time in looking over the blog and objectives. I look forward to seeing your participation in this project - at the least, simply provide feedback!


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