Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting involved!

If you are at all interested in contributing to this project, being a part of a brand new game development team with a completely new style of game creation and taking a part of the cut when it the product is released,  please let me know.  I DO need help, but I will find ways to deal with not having certain needed members of the team for the time being.  I'm looking for talented, highly motivated individuals who have a passion for games and an interest in breaking into the gaming industry or already have industry experience.

If you haven't already, please scroll down to my welcome post.  Be familiar with the goals of this project and decide whether you would like to be a part of a project like this.  Thanks!

The game idea is something dynamic - there will be rounds of battle with an (undecided) minute soft cap on each battle.  The game can be very competitive and promotes team play, customization and strategic organization.  It will NOT be in the traditional Multiplayer Online Battle Arena format like DotA or LoL or HoN.  We will make something new and dynamic for the world to see!  If you have more questions about the vision of the project, or even anything related to the project, please feel free to contact me with the subject line: GGA Question

The following positions are open for immediate recruitment:

  • Director (Producer) of Development - Must have relative experience
  • Game Designer
  • Technical Designer
  • Systems Administrator - Must have relative experience
  • Software Engineer - Must have relative experience
  • 3D Artist - Must send a demo - Urgent need!
  • Effects Artist - Must send a demo
  • Community Relations Specialist - Urgent need!
  • Web Developer - Urgent need!
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • UI Designer
  • Creative Designer
  • Programmer - no engineering background required
  • Graphics Designer
  • Marketing Strategist/Business Analyst Must have relative experience

    Positions will open as they are needed, filled positions will be taken down.

    For recruitment, I do not need anything fancy.  Please copy and paste these questions into e-mail and answer them briefly.

    1. Age:
    2. Website:
    3. School in progress?  If so,  what school?
    4. Degree:
    5. Game development experience:
    6. Name your top 3 favorite games of all time:
    7. Reason you want to join:
    8. Skills you bring to the table:
    9. Qualifications for fitting the role you want to fill:
    10. Availability (how often can you contribute):
    11. Are you willing to take extra time to work on the game when you are needed (such as weekends and late hours, if it EVER comes down to it) to meet deadlines:
    12. Any additional comments:
    In the e-mail, you may attach up to 4 documents that include demos, resumes, cover letters, etc. if you feel that it will help me make a decision.  Note that these are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.

    Remember, there is no salary.  We are making a game to bring to the world and the market.  If the game succeeds, the money will be paid for compensation and for the advancement of our product.

    Please e-mail everything to:

    Subject line:  (position you are going for) | (your first and last name)
    Example:  Game Designer | The Guy

    I will try to get through the applications as soon as I can - I will always reply with further directions or a no.

    Thanks for your consideration in joining the Ghost Gaming Academy Staff!


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