Sunday, January 29, 2012

Current status of the team!

If you are looking for the application template, scroll down.

We have a website in construction and we will post it as soon as it's ready.

Hi everyone,

My name is Jeff and I'm in charge of recruitment and design of our new organization.  We currently have 9 people on the team, and all 9 people have been screened for the utmost standard of quality control, extensive gaming backgrounds and raw intellectual capacity.  These are members that have a track record of a hard work ethic as well as a passion to make a difference in game development.

We like to categorize ourselves as the starters of a new revolution.  We are very professional with a laid back approach.  We want to make something fun, innovative, and exciting.  We will never release something that does not exceed our community's expectations.  We are here to have fun by creating something we are passionate about, make lifelong connections, and ultimately do business.

We admit our mistakes.  We are open to criticism.  We want to be involved with our emerging community.  Everyone who plays our games and takes interest in our product is just as important as our team members.

We are continuing our search for top talent with the proper motivation level and cultural fit to work with our multi-talented team.  We look forward to meeting some of you through the application process and hope you make a serious effort to showcase your skills.  We want to offer you a positive experience with other talented individuals such as yourself to have fun while participating in a serious game development experience.

Here are a list of things we look for in prospective candidates:

  • A proven track record of successful projects/endeavors
  • A solid defined work ethic
  • Ability to communicate effectively (this is a must)
  • Confident self-starters
  • Highly motivated candidates with a serious passion in EVERYTHING gaming.
  • Extroverts who enjoy conversation and team environments.
  • Servant leadership qualities


  • Degree from a University
  • High level competitive experience in games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, League of Legends
  • Experience with software development cycles - balancing pros and cons
  • Extremely intelligent when it comes to statistics/mathematical functions
  • Prior game development experience

Things you need to know if you are new to the industry:
  • YOU DO NOT NECESSARILY NEED ANY PRIOR EXPERIENCE.  You need to have the passion for games and a hunger for learning.
  • All positions in this organization are treated with the highest degree of respect.  We do not walk over each other.  If you are accepted to join our team, you are an integral part of our game production and we encourage you to be hands on over anything you feel you can contribute.
  • We do not compensate for any work until the work is done.  We WILL NOT SCREW ANYONE OVER.  We are here to do legitimate business and start something we love, not be money grubbing whores.  We want to make a living off things we are passionate about: gaming.
  • We give everyone a provisional period to assess their progress and contribution to our project.  People who start to fall off the charts repeatedly must be regrettably replaced.  We are dedicated to keeping only the highest motivated people to stay with us and help us make the highest quality game we can make.
  • Finally, we accept all kinds of applicants, ranging from no experience to veterans.  This is an excellent opportunity to start game development and gain all kinds of experience and networking.  We are open to all kinds of potential top talent and we encourage you to apply if you feel you fit what we are looking for.

Remember: I'm getting massive quantities of applicants.  Candidates that omit information or do not follow the format of our application process will be automatically rejected.  Questions to my e-mail are always welcome!

Thank you so much for taking an interest in our amazing new start up.  We hope to get the opportunity to see a lot of your skills to see if they may mesh into our potential company!

Jeff Uang
Director of Design / Director of Recruitment
Ghost Gaming Academy Team

Meet our new Game Designer: Jiaqi "JQ" Zhang!

JQ will take part as a designer for gameplay and technical balance aspects for our game. 

Here's a little information about JQ:

Hi everyone, 

I’m 23 years old and am currently working as a research technician at Washington University in St. Louis school of medicine.  I graduated from washu with a B.S. in Biology.  Currently I am applying to business schools for a masters in finance.   This will be my first project in game development,  so I hope to learn a lot from everyone.  Please be a little patient with me in the beginning, I will do my best to learn everything that is needed for the project to be a success.  I am very strong in critical thinking, problem solving and have extensive experience in gaming.  I will utilize these traits as game designer for the project.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meet our new Sound Designer: Kyle Fitch!

Kyle will be managing our audio department and driving success in his division.  We are excited to have such a great addition to our team!

A little information about Kyle:

Greetings, Comrades. 

IAMA 22-year-old audio engineer who's been in the audio industry for nearly 4 years now. Professionally, I work as a full-time designed systems integrator for Midwest Sound & Lighting in Omaha, NE; I also freelance studio recording with local bands (which ends up taking most of my personal time; and lastly I am a chief front-of-house engineer for a regional band around the Midwest. 

This is my first project in interactive visual media, and I am confident in my abilities to produce an exceptional unique product. A product that makes people really realize the difference between developers who take their sound design seriously and those who consider this aspect to be unimportant, a necessary evil, a redheaded stepchild. I've noticed a trend lately with poor sound design in video games. It's as if these devs treat audio like it's just a second-hand artifact that must be generated with bland, stale, flat noise. That's what it really is; noise. There is no consideration toward dynamics. There is no taste. These devs don't realize that audio is half of the product. You can take advantage of this. You can create emotion and feeling through auditory perception and integrate it in a manner that is woven into the game to create a masterpiece of audio-visual entertainment. That's what a game should be.  It is my personal mission to make an audience really notice these intricacies that make a huge difference in a product. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Meet our new UI Designer: Brenden!

Brenden will be designing the UI for our game.  We are really excited to have him on our team!

A little information about Brenden:

I am a homosapien with 23 pairs of chromosomes. More about me; I have love games for a long time an have been interested in UI's, I love designing visual parts to programs. Every game I look at, I always judge how cluttered their UI is, or how things could have been made more user friendly. It is always frustrating when you cannot find an option. I also enjoy sports and working out, I have designed the UI of a few small games, and am working on it for my capstone project this semester. I am someone that will give 120% on anything he is working on. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting involved!

If you are at all interested in contributing to this project, being a part of a brand new game development team with a completely new style of game creation and taking a part of the cut when it the product is released,  please let me know.  I DO need help, but I will find ways to deal with not having certain needed members of the team for the time being.  I'm looking for talented, highly motivated individuals who have a passion for games and an interest in breaking into the gaming industry or already have industry experience.

If you haven't already, please scroll down to my welcome post.  Be familiar with the goals of this project and decide whether you would like to be a part of a project like this.  Thanks!

The game idea is something dynamic - there will be rounds of battle with an (undecided) minute soft cap on each battle.  The game can be very competitive and promotes team play, customization and strategic organization.  It will NOT be in the traditional Multiplayer Online Battle Arena format like DotA or LoL or HoN.  We will make something new and dynamic for the world to see!  If you have more questions about the vision of the project, or even anything related to the project, please feel free to contact me with the subject line: GGA Question

The following positions are open for immediate recruitment:

  • Director (Producer) of Development - Must have relative experience
  • Game Designer
  • Technical Designer
  • Systems Administrator - Must have relative experience
  • Software Engineer - Must have relative experience
  • 3D Artist - Must send a demo - Urgent need!
  • Effects Artist - Must send a demo
  • Community Relations Specialist - Urgent need!
  • Web Developer - Urgent need!
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • UI Designer
  • Creative Designer
  • Programmer - no engineering background required
  • Graphics Designer
  • Marketing Strategist/Business Analyst Must have relative experience

    Positions will open as they are needed, filled positions will be taken down.

    For recruitment, I do not need anything fancy.  Please copy and paste these questions into e-mail and answer them briefly.

    1. Age:
    2. Website:
    3. School in progress?  If so,  what school?
    4. Degree:
    5. Game development experience:
    6. Name your top 3 favorite games of all time:
    7. Reason you want to join:
    8. Skills you bring to the table:
    9. Qualifications for fitting the role you want to fill:
    10. Availability (how often can you contribute):
    11. Are you willing to take extra time to work on the game when you are needed (such as weekends and late hours, if it EVER comes down to it) to meet deadlines:
    12. Any additional comments:
    In the e-mail, you may attach up to 4 documents that include demos, resumes, cover letters, etc. if you feel that it will help me make a decision.  Note that these are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.

    Remember, there is no salary.  We are making a game to bring to the world and the market.  If the game succeeds, the money will be paid for compensation and for the advancement of our product.

    Please e-mail everything to:

    Subject line:  (position you are going for) | (your first and last name)
    Example:  Game Designer | The Guy

    I will try to get through the applications as soon as I can - I will always reply with further directions or a no.

    Thanks for your consideration in joining the Ghost Gaming Academy Staff!



    First, I would like to welcome you to the Ghost Gaming Academy!

    I decided to start this blog up because I feel I have great insight to share with everyone at times.  With this opportunity to share also comes the opportunity to learn.  With your feedback, you can tell me if something helps you or not, or even point out missing pieces in my logic.  So this is my first reason: to share insight and hopefully get feedback from it (most of my writing will center around competitive theory and games).

    The second reason I'm making this blog is because I'm making a brand new game(s).  This is why I'm using a blog for game creation:

    • The game I am making is a community driven and centered game.  I hold a strong belief that the input of the players is the most important input you could get - this is because they are the ones playing it.  It also expands and widens the creativity boundaries of a given project and gives a great sense of involvement from the community - it is something that they are truly a part of.  This doesn't mean I will take every idea, but I will take what I feel would best fit the objective of the project.

      You, being part of the audience and community, can be a part of this long journey from the beginning - from story development, rule creation, and creative development - or the end - simply playing the game and providing feedback, or anywhere in the middle.  It is completely up to you, the audience to decide if you would like to be involved in the game development process, by simply providing feedback or entering debates.  Each step in the game creation process will be blogged, keeping you up to date with the latest ideas and direction the game is taking.
    • It is a great way to scout talent and recruit people to join the team.  Obviously this game is not funded by any company, nor does it have multiple people claiming responsibilities (seriously..I'm using a blog).  It's only me.. for now.
    • I'll be honest - I don't know the most when it comes to making a game, simply because I've never done it before.  However, I will be taking the necessary steps, doing research, connecting creativity and unleashing some strokes of brilliance in able to create an amazing game.  I am confident in my ability to do so!  I have a vision, and I'm extremely motivated to see it through!
    A little bit about myself:

    I'm 24 years old and I'm about to graduate from the University of Missouri Columbia (MIZZOU) with a degree in Computer Science (BA).  I enjoy lifting, lanning, playing new games, meeting new people, and working on public projects.

    I have been into gaming all my life, and I'm also a very high tier play in many common competitive games such as Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, League of Legends and Street Fighter.  I have a very wide array of knowledge in regards to what makes games great, compelling, competitive, and straight up fun.

    My short term goal is to work on fun games that can make a buzz around the community.

    My long term goal is to make a great impact in the gaming world, something like what Starcraft has done in Korean culture with the Global Starcraft League (GSL).

    Other than gaming, I'm specifically interested in competitive theory, finance, investment, marketing and health.

    Thanks for your time in looking over the blog and objectives. I look forward to seeing your participation in this project - at the least, simply provide feedback!
